Saturday, September 26, 2009

End of Term

We would like to thank everyone for helping to make Term 3 a very exciting one for us. We have had our very sucessful dance evening, a poetry recital, cross country, disco, sausage sizzles and lots of fun with Fairy Tales. Next term we will be even busier so please keep looking and leaving comments; we love to hear from you. Have a safe and happy holiday and we will be back.....
BYE from ROOM 17


  1. How sweet Miss Wright.
    You have a lovely holiday too Miss Wright.
    From Selina,Joanne and Rocky.

  2. ROOM 17 looks like a really fun class to be in. . everyone looks so happy , is it because of your talented TEACHER ? from Kristen in Macau

  3. Thanks for a great, fantastic term Miss Wright. I love the pictures of us. Love Sloane.

  4. dear miss wright i do hop we have a graet tream in tream 4 . I also lost my tooth

  5. wow this blog is cool serine
